🔗 MSYS2 - Fix Slow Startup

I am currently using an MSYS2 installation instead of Git for Windows. I chose MSYS2 because it comes with pacman and am able to use other familiar tools like vim, awk and grep. I noticed that my MSYS2 startup is really slow. Googling it brought up the above link which explains the problem is a great detail and gives you a good solution. I am posting the link here for reference.

  1. Create /etc/passwd and /etc/group
  2. modify /etc/nsswitch.conf to use only file

This prevents MSYS2 to query Active Directory for login information.

mkpasswd -l -c > /etc/passwd
mkgroup -l -c > /etc/group
sed -i '/^passwd:/ s/.*/passwd:         files/' /etc/nsswitch.conf
sed -i '/^group:/ s/.*/group:          files/' /etc/nsswitch.conf

Solving Sudoku

Sudoku is a simple/easy to define problem. You have a 9 x 9 grid and you have to fill the numbers 1 to 9 in such a way that no number is repeated in any row, column, or sub grid. This problem has been explored by a number of people in a number of different ways. Most popular of them all is Peter Norvig’s Solving Every Sudoku Puzzle.


Layered Complexity

The principle of layered complexity to display information such a way that your target audience/users can immediately get a high level overview of the topic. While retaining the next level details if the user needs it.

This post is a work in progress


Trigger Github Pages build

I recently moved the _layouts and _sass folders into their own theme repo. This resulted in me having trouble updating my website automatically when the theme is updated. I tried pushing empty commits to the Github pages repo but that started to get annoying after sometime. I did a little digging and found that github has an Pages Api for exactly this.


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