🖼️ Pink Unicorn

Pink Unicorn

Be wary of doubt

I recently read a post by Hiten Shah where he talks about how it is harder to rebuild conviction in your idea when doubt starts creeping in.

What’s harder to rebuild is conviction. That deep-down belief that your idea matters and that you’re the one to make it real. It’s the thing that keeps you going to meetings when you’d rather hide. The thing that gets you out of bed when progress feels slow. The thing that moves you from one version of the product to the next, determined to nail it.

Doubt creeps in slowly, sneaking up through rejection, exhaustion, and second-guessing your mission. One day, you notice the fire feels weaker. You lose a little faith in the vision that once lit you up. And that’s when real danger sets in.

While I am not building a startup of my own, I am working at an early stage startup and I can relate to this. This doubt is real and it is a killer. It can be set off by a lot of small things but they add up.

Doubt is also contagious. It can spread from one person to another. If you are talking to someone who is doubting the idea, it is hard to not let it chip away at your conviction.

So guard your purpose. Remind yourself why you started in the first place. Picture the people who need your product. Talk to them, hear their stories, celebrate the tiny steps forward. Embrace feedback and stay open to shifting your tactics, but never let go of your “why.”

Keep an eye on your energy. Rest is mandatory, not a luxury. Fatigue can rob you of motivation faster than any burn rate. Surround yourself with people who believe in you, yet challenge you to be better. Keep the mission close, and stay confident enough to adapt.

I strongly agree with this, particularly about surrounding yourself with people who believe in you. I have found that to be true in my life.

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