I’ve been having trouble keeping myself motivated to work on my side projects. I am not sure if I’d call this a slump but it feels very close to one. During my time at the LL4MA Lab, I went through a similar phase. I was stuck on the same problem for a long time and losing motivation to do any work. My advisor, Dr. Hermans, asked me to write a status update at the end of everyday of all the things I worked on. The idea was that I would be able to look back at this at the end of the week and realize that my time was productive and to keep me motivated.

I have decided to start this process again. This will hopefully serve as a documentation of my work as well as help me realize all the things I have accomplished over the week.

I will create a post every Sunday and fill it up over the week. I decided to call this Captain’s log inspired by Star Trek. I will write a more detailed post on Captain’s log and stardates at a later time.

Wed, 23 Oct 2019

I decided to write a Captain’s log and started this post. I extensively researched how to compute current stardate1.

I have also been looking into building a knowledge base HN2. I currently use notion to write stuff in but I don’t yet have a system in place. I should work on this.

Actiona3 is a tool to automate clicks. You can program neat little macros and run them in a loop. A good alternative to AutoClicker.

Thu, 24 Oct 2019

Skill stacking4 5 6 seems like a cool idea. Be good at several things instead of being the best at one thing.

I came across this blog7 by John Rauser where he presents his thoughts on Writing8 and Presenting9. I have added them to my reading list a while ago but haven’t gotten to reading them. I will be traveling tomorrow and I should read them then.

Structured procrastination10

Fri, 25 Oct 2019

It has been a rather unproductive day today. I switched from instapaper to pinboard. I have been working on setting up my pinboard account. I am still not sure if I need a new bookmark service.